32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (2024)

Table of Contents
ADAPTIV camouflage ADAPTIV camouflage on helicopters ADAPTIV camouflage in action T Ghost Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (MAHEM) Taser Shockwave Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System The MAARS robot can be armed with a 400-round M240B machine gun, a grenade launcher or even used to drag injured soldiers out of danger. Capable of a top speed of just 7 mph, it's just about fast enough to keep up with the troops and has the staying power too - with a battery system capable of running up to 12 hours. Luckily there's no AI involved, so we're not going to see the robot uprising just yet. Black Knight ARCV Thunder Generator Active Denial System (ADS) Hypersonic Missile - X51A Waverider Still a work in progress, the X-51 Waverider has shown plenty of promise during testing reaching speeds of over 3,000 mph. The result is the Boeing X-51 Waverider, an unmanned scramjet aircraft designed to be launched from a B-52 bomber or F-35 fighter. Armatix smart pistol Laser Weapon System (LaWS) Boeing Laser Avenger High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD) Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC) Hybrid Insect Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (HI MEMS) XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) Fostech Origin 12 Shotgun Fostech Origin 12 Shotgun with a suppressor Cornershot KRISS Vector Mile Maker - Precision-Guided Firearms These firearms use target tracking, advanced fire control and heads-up display technologies to help guide a bullet to its target and account for human error to ensure a higher probability of hitting the target first time, even at long range. Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC) This is the first taste of cybernetics on the battlefield and shows the potential for more to come. Personnel Halting And Stimulation Response (PHASR) Rifle Mile Maker - Precision-Guided Firearms Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance Essentially a "smart" bullet, this ammo has the ability to home in on targets and even change course in mid-air to compensate for target movement or changes in wind speed. The result is a round that can even be fired by novice shooters and still hit their target with near-pinpoint accuracy at long range. Scary stuff. Obrum PL-01 Stealth Tank As a fifth-generation stealth tank, it's the world's first armoured vehicle that's practically invisible to both infrared and radar detection systems. The various technologies here make this the most advanced stealth tank in the world which is surprising considering it's come out of Poland and not Russia or the United States. Quantum Stealth camouflage Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) Firstly, it can be used as a hailing device - allowing users to send messages over a longer distance than is normally possible with loudspeakers. Secondly, it is also capable of being used as a so-called "sonic weapon" for riot control, crowd dispersion or other in situations that require a non-lethal solution to hostile action. Zumwalt Class Destroyers Northrop Grumman MQ-8C Fire Scout Electromagnetic Rail Gun High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD) Powered by lithium-ion batteries and a diesel generator, it's easy to use and maintain but provides the army with the firepower they need to keep enemy eyes out of the sky. Hololens for soliders FAQs References

Warfare has always lead to the biggest leaps forward in technology, which each Country constantly striving to have the most advanced and capable armaments to protect their interests at home and abroad. Seemingly drawing inspiration from science-fiction, the latest and greatest advancements in military hardware and future weaponry paint a scarily accurate and dangerous view of the world of warfare in coming years.

Join us on the battlefield as we take a trip across the globe to find the biggest, brightest and best weaponry and military hardware from recent years, as well as predictions of the future.

  • Weird and wonderful life-changing technologies from around the world
  • 30 of the best tanks and armoured vehicles of all time

ADAPTIV camouflage

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (1)

The enemy can't shoot what they can't see. That's the goal of BAE Systems ADAPTIV camouflage; to mask a military vehicle's infrared signature and shield them from detection by allowing them to blend in with its surroundings.

ADAPTIV camouflage on helicopters

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (2)

This technology essentially renders thermal imaging systems obsolete and ensures friendly fighting vehicles are offered some protection from initial detection.

The same system can also be used to highlight allied vehicles to friendly forces and prevent blue-on-blue incidents.

ADAPTIV camouflage in action

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (3)

The ADAPTIV camouflage is made up of a honey-comb like system that can be installed in modules on any vehicle and heated or cooled as necessary to match the surrounding environment.

T Ghost

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (4)

The Swedish T Ghost is a camouflaged tank that uses BAE's ADAPTIV camouflage to make it invisible to enemy thermal imaging systems.

The Ghost tank also uses a high-calibre 120mm compact main cannon with new technology designed to reduce recoil and lower overall vehicle weight.

The result is a nimble and powerful medium fighting tank. The bleeding edge technology on this tank, in theory, allows the users to strike first before the opposing forces even realise they're there.

Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (MAHEM)

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (5)

The MAHEM weapons system by DARPA uses a magnetic flux generator to fire a projectile without the traditional use of chemical explosives creating a more efficient and precise launch system.

This projectile weapons system also uses molten metal to penetrate enemy armoured vehicles increasing lethality and effectiveness on the battlefield.

Taser Shockwave

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The TASER Shockwave is a large-scale area denial system designed to help assist with riot control situations. Essentially a large modular system for firing numerous TASER X26 stun guns in a 20-degree arc with a 25-foot range. Not something you'd want to be anywhere near when it went off.

The TASER Shockwave is also capable of being daisy chained with multiple other units increasing area coverage and presenting an even bigger threat to violent rioters. A shocking piece of riot control weaponry for sure.

Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (7)

The Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System is a heavily armed bot designed to save lives and handle situations too dangerous to send real people into.

Why send men to do a job when a robot can do it just as well? While most of us live in fear of being replaced by robots, soldiers on the battlefield are probably grateful to see this tracked monster rock up alongside them.

The MAARS robot can be armed with a 400-round M240B machine gun, a grenade launcher or even used to drag injured soldiers out of danger. Capable of a top speed of just 7 mph, it's just about fast enough to keep up with the troops and has the staying power too - with a battery system capable of running up to 12 hours. Luckily there's no AI involved, so we're not going to see the robot uprising just yet.

Black Knight ARCV

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (8)

The Black Knight Unmanned Combat Vehicle is a prototype unmanned combat vehicle with the appearance of a small tank and the firepower to match.

Like the MAARS robot, the Black Knight Unmanned Combat Vehicle is designed to be sent into high-risk situations to avoid unnecessary danger to human troops. The current technology is not without limitations and issues with GPS, wireless communication and sensors still need to be worked out but apparently, it is a combat vehicle that shows plenty of promise.

A 30mm cannon and 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, combined with the ability to be deployed from a military transport aircraft make this a combat vehicle to be reckoned with.

Thunder Generator

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (9)

A few years ago the Israeli Army, alongside PDT Agro was experimenting with a weapon known as the Thunder Generator.

This machine was designed to detonate an explosion in its barrel, then release that as a high-speed shockwave that could be used to deafen (temporarily) and push back people up to 100 feet away. Useful for a variety of situations no doubt.

Active Denial System (ADS)

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (10)

Another non-lethal energy weapon designed to help with crowd and riot control. Also known as the "heat ray" this system works by heating the target's surface on the same principles as a microwave oven.

Under continued exposure, people have experienced several burns to the top layer of their skin. The idea is simple enough - things get so hot you wouldn't want to stick around.

Hypersonic Missile - X51A Waverider

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (11)

Since the 1990s, the American Air Force Research Laboratory has been involved in the design, development and testing of a hypersonic propulsion system with a view to creating a missile capable of Mach 6 (4,000mph).

Still a work in progress, the X-51 Waverider has shown plenty of promise during testing reaching speeds of over 3,000 mph.

The result is the Boeing X-51 Waverider, an unmanned scramjet aircraft designed to be launched from a B-52 bomber or F-35 fighter.

Armatix smart pistol

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (12)

The Armatix Smart Pistol is a .22 calibre pistol with smart technology designed to ensure it can only be fired by an authorised user. Unlike designs from the movies, this gun doesn't function by a fingerprint reader on the grip, but instead requires the use of an accompanying smartwatch.

This watch operates as a RFID key to the lock allowing it to fire. The watch itself also holds other real-time data on the gun including battery charge levels and the number of shots fired within a given timeframe.

Laser Weapon System (LaWS)

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The Laser Weapons System is essentially exactly what it sounds like - a ship-mounted laser cannon. This laser system allows for pinpoint targeting and destruction of enemy assets including everything from small ordinance to enemy craft engines.

You only need to see the laser in action to appreciate its benefits. It also has the advantage of being much more cost-effective and efficient when compared with traditional projectile weaponry as it only requires sufficient power to fire. Where missiles need to be built, transported, stored and maintained in order to be used.

Boeing Laser Avenger

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (14)

The Boeing Laser Avenger is an aerial defence weapon that can be mounted to a vehicle and used to shoot down enemy UAVs.

Unlike conventional anti-aircraft weaponry, the Boeing Laser Avenger system doesn't create a muzzle flare or smoke trail when it fires. This means it can be fired from concealed positions keeping friendly troops safe and out of harm's way.

High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD)

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (15)

Boeing is working on improving the High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator's power to increase it to more tactically significant levels for use against incoming rockets, mortar and artillery strikes.

Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC)

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The Human Universal Load Carrier is a hydraulic-powered exoskeleton suit intended to support soldiers on the battlefield and allow them to transport heavy loads for extended periods of time without the usual exhaustion that would come with such a task.

Hybrid Insect Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (HI MEMS)

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (17)

Another weapons system straight out of science fiction, this time in the form of bugs.

Though it might look like someone's just strapped a circuit board to the back of a beetle, it's actually a basic representation of a technology that's been worked on for decades. Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have been in the works since the 1940s and are essentially cyborg bugs and winged creatures that have been enslaved to do man's bidding.

A freedom of information request to DARPA revealed some interesting truths behind this military hardware that included the implanting of technologies into insects at the larva and pupae stage for the greatest chance of viability. Cameras and tracking devices obviously provide perfect tracking capabilities that no one would expect - ideal for surveilling enemy bodies or even a Government's own citizens.

XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE)

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The XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System is a semi-automatic airburst grenade launcher with a laser rangefinding system allowing soldiers to calculate the distance to target for most effective combat use.

The XM25 has almost quadruple the effective range of standard grenade launchers but is also heavy and cumbersome to use. Budget cuts delayed entry into service and other issues have called development and deployment into question. Nonetheless, this is one dangerous weapon on the battlefield.

Fostech Origin 12 Shotgun

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The Fostech Origin 12 shotgun is pitched as the World's fastest-firing shotgun.

Although not fully automatic, this shotgun is capable of firing 30 rounds in under eight seconds.

Fostech Origin 12 Shotgun with a suppressor

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (20)

It's also capable of working with a SilencerCo Salvo 12 sound suppressor, making it a menacing weapon in anyone's hands.


32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (21)

Being able to shoot around corners is the military operator's dream - meaning they can fire at a target without exposing themselves to risk.

The Cornershot device itself is capable of working with a range of pistols which makes it flexible, but due to the nature of the weapon its range is effectively limited to 100 metres.

KRISS Vector

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This compact submachine gun is an extremely capable and flexible weapon that's compatible with a range of different ammunition calibres including .22, .40, .45 and 9mm Parabellum.

But what makes it interesting is the KRISS Super V Recoil Mitigation System which pushes expended energy from fired rounds downwards to keep the gun on target and dramatically reduce recoil.

Mile Maker - Precision-Guided Firearms

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Precision-Guided Firearms are designed to take the missile lock-on system from fighter jets and apply them to traditional long-range rifle systems.

These firearms use target tracking, advanced fire control and heads-up display technologies to help guide a bullet to its target and account for human error to ensure a higher probability of hitting the target first time, even at long range.

Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC)

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This exoskeleton suit is built to transfer the weight to the frame and reduce the risk of injury to the user. The design has also been developed to allow the individual wearer to retain a full range of motion while also being compatible with other technology such as armour, heating and cooling systems as well as a range of custom attachments.

This is the first taste of cybernetics on the battlefield and shows the potential for more to come.

Personnel Halting And Stimulation Response (PHASR) Rifle

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This crazy-looking weapon first appears like an alien technology or something out of a science fiction flick.

It's actually a non-lethal incapacitation device designed to temporarily blind and disorient targets. The PHASR rifle fires a low-intensity laser beam with a blinding effect and is perfect for a variety of situations where the aim is to disable the target.

Mile Maker - Precision-Guided Firearms

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The first Precision-Guided Firearm system was developed by TrackPoint, an American company that developed a bolt-action system capable of engaging targets accurately at 1,280m, even when moving. The result is a scarily accurate rifle with a hefty price tag.

Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance

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DARPA’s Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance is essentially a self-steering, guided bullet designed for military snipers to support improved accuracy over long-range in unfavourable conditions (such as high winds).

Essentially a "smart" bullet, this ammo has the ability to home in on targets and even change course in mid-air to compensate for target movement or changes in wind speed.

The result is a round that can even be fired by novice shooters and still hit their target with near-pinpoint accuracy at long range. Scary stuff.

Obrum PL-01 Stealth Tank

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PL-01 is a Polish light tank with a modular ceramic-aramid shell and additional armoured plating capable of providing a full range of protection against a variety of projectiles, improvised explosive devices and landmines.

Equipped with a 940hp engine it's capable of a top speed of just under 45 mph with a range of 310 miles. The highlight of this tank though is the stealth technology.

As a fifth-generation stealth tank, it's the world's first armoured vehicle that's practically invisible to both infrared and radar detection systems. The various technologies here make this the most advanced stealth tank in the world which is surprising considering it's come out of Poland and not Russia or the United States.

Quantum Stealth camouflage

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Straight out of science fiction comes a light-bending technology called "Quantum Stealth" that provides active camouflage to the user and mimics the surrounding environment.

Pictures of the actual technology haven't been released for security reasons, but these mockups give an idea of how effective the camouflage is.

Military testing has demonstrated that the Quantum Stealth material is effective against both infrared and thermal scopes and works as one of the most efficient camouflage systems currently in military use.

Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD)

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The Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) is a piece of modern military technology with two different applications.

Firstly, it can be used as a hailing device - allowing users to send messages over a longer distance than is normally possible with loudspeakers. Secondly, it is also capable of being used as a so-called "sonic weapon" for riot control, crowd dispersion or other in situations that require a non-lethal solution to hostile action.

The LRAD has been deployed by various police forces, but is even in use on several luxury cruise liners and has been effectively used against armed pirates to prevent them boarding.

Zumwalt Class Destroyers

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Although it looks like some sort of bonkers submarine, this is actually a multi-role battleship with stealth capabilities. The low-radar cross-section and a wave-piercing hull combined with a range of other technologies make this destroyer a ship far less capable of detection by enemy radar than its comparable counterparts.

Backed by $9.6 billion in research and development costs, the Zumwalt Class Destroyer is possibly the most expensive vessel of its kind. The design apparently gives the destroyer a radar profile similar to a fishing boat and make it 50 times harder to spot than standard destroyers.

The Zumwalt Class Destroyer also boasts an Advanced Gun System which comprises of a 155mm naval gun capable of firing a Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP) over 80 nautical miles. A controversially expensive destroyer with plenty of interesting technologies that demonstrate the power of the modern American Navy.

Northrop Grumman MQ-8C Fire Scout

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This unusual-looking helicopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle designed to provide reconnaissance, aerial fire support and targeting for ground troops. It is the latest in a line of similar craft that has been in development as part of $3.06 billion programme in operation since 2010.

Electromagnetic Rail Gun

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This monster cannon is actually the culmination of over a decade's worth of development and testing. An electromagnetic rail gun capable of firing projectiles at over 4,500mph and smashing through concrete structures 100 miles away.

The result is a longer-range weapon with much greater accuracy. They do, however, require a great deal of power and scientists are still working on perfecting the output for maximum performance without actually tearing the weapon apart when it fires.

High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD)

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The High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD) is another laser cannon capable of blasting enemy drones out of the sky. This 10-kilowatt laser can be vehicle mounted for easy transport to where it's needed.

Powered by lithium-ion batteries and a diesel generator, it's easy to use and maintain but provides the army with the firepower they need to keep enemy eyes out of the sky.

Hololens for soliders

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (35)

A while back Microsoft won a multi-year contract to supply the US Army with Hololens devices. Since then the company has collected 80,000 hours of user data from soldiers.

The data has been used to improve the technology (known as Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS)) in order to assist soldiers in combat like never before.

This augmented reality system would do all sorts of things. It could make it so soldiers can see through smoke, they can also use it to see around corners without putting themselves in danger and get information on the surrounding environment too.

32 interesting and incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles (2024)


What is the most futuristic weapon in the world? ›

Hypersonic missiles and aircraft

Imagine being able to deliver a missile five or more times faster than the speed of sound, and hitting a target some 600 miles away in just 10 minutes. That is the capability hypersonic weapons give you.

What is the most advanced weapon system in the world? ›

The Aegis Combat System is the U.S. Navy's and six International Allies' Surface Combat System. It is the most capable multi-mission combat system deployed in the world today.

What will be the future military weapons in 2050? ›

By the time 2050 rolls around, game changing technologies on the U.S. side will include laser and radio frequency weapons, swarms of drones, rail guns and synthetic biology, it said.

What is the newest military technology? ›

10 New Military Technology Trends in 2025
  • Axon Vision enables AI-based Situational Awareness.
  • Rebellion offers Mission-focused AI Products.
  • Hermeus develops Hypersonic Aircraft.
  • Epirus advances Directed Energy Weapons.
  • Anduril develops Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
  • Spear builds Tactical Drones.

What is the most feared weapon in the world? ›

Nuclear weapon

Nuclear weapons are the elephant in the room when the deadliest weapons in history are being discussed.

What is the most powerful weapon you can own? ›

. 50 caliber is the largest cartridge an American civilian can own without an NFA exemption. Aside from large bore African double rifles that are exempted for sporting purposes, the Barrett M82 in . 50 BMG is one of the most powerful gun models that can be enjoyed by the average firearms fan.

What is the most powerful weapon mankind has ever created? ›

The Tsar Bomba is the single most physically powerful device ever deployed on Earth, the most powerful nuclear bomb tested and the largest human-made explosion in history. For comparison, the largest weapon ever produced by the US, the now-decommissioned B41, had a predicted maximum yield of 25 Mt (100 PJ).

Which is the most powerful weapon in the universe? ›

The Infinity Gauntlet. Just the name conjures images of unimaginable power, of a single snap that can rewrite the very fabric of existence. This isn't some myth whispered in hushed tones; it's a tangible weapon within the Marvel Universe, a bejeweled glove designed to unleash cosmic chaos.

What is the next big weapon? ›

The XM7 will replace the M4 for close combat units such as infantry, scouts, combat engineers and special operations forces. The XM250 will replace the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon for the same units. The weapons and optics will drop the “X” in their names once fielded.

What is the next generation weapon in the US? ›

The Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program is a United States military program created in 2017 by the U.S. Army to replace the 5.56mm M4 carbine, the M249 SAW light machine gun, and the 7.62mm M240 machine gun, with a common system of 6.8mm cartridges and to develop small arms fire-control systems for the new ...

What military has the most advanced technology? ›

The country with the most advanced military technology is the United States of America (USA).

How far ahead is US military technology? ›

It is often said that the US military has technology that is 5/10/20 years ahead of what the general public have access to or know about.

Which country has the most advanced weapons in the world? ›

The answer is hands down the United States. The US's overall military armaments give it a crowning position over the entire world. It's military technology is easily the most sophisticated, the most recently updated, and the most sophisticated.

What will future wars be fought over? ›

During the next two decades, military conflict most likely will be driven by the same factors that have historically prompted wars—ranging from resource protection, economic disparities, and ideological differences to the pursuit of power and influence—but the ways in which war is waged will change as new technologies, ...

What is the newest armed force? ›

About the United States Space Force

While the Space Force is the newest service, the Department of Defense has been working in the space domain since the beginning of space exploration.

Which is the No 1 weapon in the world? ›

At its most basic, a nuclear weapon is the most powerful form of explosive known to man. A single modern nuke carries the power of 100,000 (or more) tons of TNT and could kill more than half a million people if detonated in a densely populated area.

What is Earth's strongest weapon? ›

Analysis. The Tsar Bomba is the single most physically powerful device ever deployed on Earth, the most powerful nuclear bomb tested and the largest human-made explosion in history.

What is the most powerful weapon ever built? ›

Tsar Bomba (in Russian, Царь-бомба) is the Western nickname for the Soviet RDS-220 (РДС-220) hydrogen bomb (code name Vanya). Detonated by the Soviet Union on October 30, 1961, Tsar Bomba is the largest nuclear device ever detonated and the most powerful man-made explosion in history.

What is the most powerful weapon that can change the world? ›

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela.


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